Leading the Way in Tailored
SaaS and AI Solutions

CDZ Solutions is at the Forefront of SaaS Development, AI Solutions, and Custom Business Solutions,
delivering Tailored, Cutting-edge Digital Solutions.

Book a Call


The Solution You Need

SaaS Development

We specialize in SaaS development, creating quality, cost-efficient, and scalable software. We offer a seamless journey from initial concept to market-ready product.

AI Solutions

CDZ Solutions helps you integrate tailored AI solutions to revolutionize your business operations, boosting efficiency, saving you time and money.

Custom Solutions

Custom business solutions tailored to your unique needs, we ensure scalable, innovative tools to transform your operations.


Straight to the Point


Free Discovery Call

During the Free 30 minute call, our mission is to get a better understanding of your business and your goals.

By the end of the Discovery call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take to start heading in the right direction.


Finding the Best Solution

We analyze your needs and challenges to map out a clear plan detailing every step we'll take to finish your project. Our team uses their expertise and innovative technology to propose strategies that are both effective and future-focused, ensuring a perfect fit for your business.


Mutual Goal

In this collaborative phase, we align our strategy with your vision. Together, we set measurable goals and establish clear milestones. Through transparent communication, we create a partnership where your success drives our efforts.


Deliver Results

We implement the plan with precision, adapting as needed to ensure success. Our focus is on delivering high-quality results on time and within budget.

You'll receive not just a solution but also a foundation for your business's continued growth and success.

  • 01

    Free Discovery Call

  • 02

    Finding The Best Solution

  • 03

    Mutual Goal

  • 04

    Deliver Results


Meet the Team

Emir Jasarevic

Emir Jasarevic

Chief Executive Officer

Daniel Abdulahad

Daniel Abdulahad

Chief Technical Officer


Frequently Asked Questions

The perfect client for CDZ Solutions is a startup or established company aiming to stand out with top-notch tech solutions. We serve businesses focused on quality, creativity, and growth, ready to enhance their operations with great SaaS platforms, AI integration, or custom software. We look for clients who value innovative digital upgrades and are dedicated to long-term success in their field.

Choosing CDZ Solutions gives you access to a team of experts without the overhead costs of a full-time employee. Our agile approach and diverse skill set mean we can quickly adapt to your changing needs, providing high-quality, tailor-made solutions without the long-term commitment of hiring an in-house developer.

We develop diverse web applications, including CRM systems and AI-powered SaaS platforms. Our solutions are equipped with Stripe for secure payments and robust admin interfaces for seamless management. Our solutions are designed to be versatile and scalable, addressing the varied needs of our clients.

We focus on delivering high-quality software solutions, ensuring they are scalable, cost-effective, and fast. Quality is our top priority, from front-end to back-end development. We also emphasize clear documentation to make the project easy to manage and potentially sell if that's your goal. Our approach ensures you get the best results and support for your future plans.

The completion time for development can vary significantly, depending on the complexity of the project. We employ an agile methodology to ensure that we deliver services efficiently and on time, regardless of the project size.

Our process involves creating a detailed roadmap for your project, breaking down the larger project into smaller, manageable tasks. We then estimate the time required for each task and organize them into two-week sprints. After each sprint, we deploy the latest updates and provide you with a comprehensive report on our progress. This allows you to closely track the development of your project and make adjustments as needed, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with your vision.

Your satisfaction is our priority. If the solution does not meet your expectations, we are committed to working with you to revise and refine it until it aligns with your vision.

We understand that business needs can fluctuate. You can easily scale our services up or down as required, ensuring you have the support you need, when you need it.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our work. For details on our refund policy, we encourage you to discuss this with us during the initial discovery call or refer to our terms of service.

Let’s Talk

Let’s Schedule a Meeting!